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August Jackson Deltek

August Jackson, Senior Director of Market and Competitive Intelligence with Deltek, Moderates ArchIntel’s AI in Competitive Intelligence Virtual Event

August Jackson, senior director of Market and Competitive Intelligence with Deltek, recently acted as the moderator for ArchIntel’s Artificial Intelligence in Competitive Intelligence Forum on Thursday, Oct. 22nd.

“This is a really great time to be a competitive intelligence (CI) professional,” Jackson illustrated in the opening remarks of the event. Jackson addressed the undercurrent of fear, uncertainty and doubt regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and its value in competitive intelligence.

“The conversation that we’ve started today is for us to state what we do, how we do what we do and what creates real value for ourselves and our customers,” Jackson explained.

You can revisit ArchIntel.com to hear Jackson’s full remarks and an expert panel featuring Suki Fuller of Competitive Intelligence Fellows as well as Dr. Fred Hoffman of Mercyhurst University and Arik Johnson of Aurora Worldwide Development as the panelists.

Visit ArchIntel Events to watch the full event for yourself to learn how notable leaders are struggling to maintain a competitive advantage through integrating emerging technologies into their organizations and offerings.

Video of the Day

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