With the constant evolution of innovative technology, federal officials must continue to adopt industry best practices and technology for critical military use in order to remain competitive and bolster the nation’s defense capabilities. Recent Department of Defense research and development has focused on initiatives such as the Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability program and DARPA-led personalized protective biosystems development to support warfighters across all domains. At Potomac Officers Club’s 8th Annual Defense R&D Summit, elite government and industry leaders will come together to discuss the Department of Defense’s current innovation priorities, technology advancements and general strategy to stay ahead of the curve in the evolving defense sector.
Throughout the past year, U.S. Air Force Chief Information Officers have worked to implement multiple innovative technology initiatives through private sector partnerships in response to rapid developments across the defense landscape. Today’s priorities for Air Force and Space Force CIOs include the integration of RF technology, Agile processes, open system architecture, model-based systems engineering and artificial intelligence/machine learning-powered weapons and enterprise analytics. These Air Force modernization efforts aim to create a 21st century infrastructure responsive to the demands of modern combat. During GovCon Wire Events’ 2022 Air Force CIO Forum, distinguished public and private sector leaders will gather to examine the challenges, goals and opportunities CIOs are currently facing and discuss how Air Force officials will continue to stay at the forefront of innovation.
Over the last decade, landmark artificial intelligence advancements have drastically altered the federal and industry landscape and influenced government agencies’ evolving technology priorities and initiatives. Federal officials are working to incorporate industry technology breakthroughs across defense and homeland security sectors to computationally augment capabilities of service members and warfighters in the field, advance unmanned vehicle development and deliver greater benefits to civilians through AI-enhanced government services. Join the Potomac Officers Club for the platform’s 4th Annual 2022 AI Summit to hear notable executive leaders across the GovCon sector discuss important AI advancements achieved over the past year as well as cutting-edge development strategies for 2022 and beyond.
As the Intelligence Community continues to secure the nation against foreign and domestic adversaries, intelligence agencies must mirror rapid advancements in technology to combat new and evolving threats particularly in the space and cyber sectors. Throughout the past year, IC priorities have notably shifted to include initiatives focused on leveraging RF-enabled commercial satellites, bolstering GEOINT capabilities to enhance imagery and protecting critical agency networks against cybersecurity threats both internally and externally. GovCon Wire Events will host its IC Acquisition Forum, featuring key figures from the public and private sectors, to discuss current acquisition and procurement priorities within the IC, including counterterrorism efforts, industry partnerships and top talent recruitment and retention to build a robust, diverse Intelligence Community prepared to tackle emerging threats.
With space development and research accelerating at a rapid pace, agencies such as the U.S. Space Force and NASA must continue developing innovative technologies in support of the nation’s critical missions across the space and defense sectors. The Department of Defense previously released its Defense Space Strategy, which outlines the agency’s 10-year strategy to maintain U.S. space superiority, overcome challenges posed by foreign adversaries and build a comprehensive military advantage in space. Recent Space Defense innovations include next-generation developments in the Space Force’s leading-edge Space Fence surveillance system. The Potomac Officers Club’s 2nd Annual Industrial Space Defense Summit joins government agency and industry officials to examine private-public partnerships, space technology innovation and mission-critical priorities in the future of space defense.
In October 2021, U.S. Navy Chief Information Officer Aaron Weis co-authored a memorandum outlining how the Navy intends to reshape its information technology services development and deployment strategies to reduce duplication and cyber risk, increase data availability and keep pace with industry innovations. With initiatives like JADC2 and the transition to enterprise IT services, the U.S. Navy continues its push to replace antiquated infrastructures, drastically modernize department systems and equip the nation’s military with more robust cyber capabilities to reflect today’s ever-changing information environment. GovCon Wire Events’ 2022 Navy CIO Forum gathers notable federal, military and private sector leaders to discuss the U.S. Navy’s current and future modernization initiatives, innovation strategies and emerging challenges.
Over the past year, chief information officers across the public and private sectors have led initiatives incorporating innovative technologies like blockchain, cloud-based architectures and Agile processes to strengthen organizational security in response to urgent COVID-19 demands. As CIOs work to advance modernization initiatives, merge into multi-cloud environments and replace outdated legacy infrastructures, they must leverage their industry partnerships to support federal agencies’ constantly evolving missions. At the Potomac Officers Club’s 3rd Annual CIO Forum, chief information officers spanning government and private sector organizations will gather to exchange invaluable insights on the current challenges, priorities and future goals they face as they continue to spearhead innovation strategies.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection constantly works to stay at the forefront of innovation as the agency drives research initiatives and adopts emerging technologies to fortify the nation’s security across border checkpoints. CBP has recently honed in on technologies including wearable cameras, non-intrusive inspection sensor systems, X-ray scanning capabilities and Pedestrian Detection-at-Range thermal scan systems to remain vigilant across the U.S. border and ensure thorough vetting processes at critical entry points. Join the Potomac Officers Club for the platform’s Border Protection Innovations and Technologies Forum to hear from government and industry leaders as they continue to address challenges, integrate cutting-edge technology and combat foreign threats to secure the nation’s borders.
On May 12th, 2021, the Biden Administration released an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, which contained an urgent call for federal government agencies, as well as private sector companies, to highly prioritize cybersecurity initiatives and meet heightened event logging maturity model requirements. As the Department of Defense’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework, originally released in January 2020, continues to evolve to meet changing cybersecurity guidelines and standards, organizations must continue to adapt in order to remain compliant. Potomac Officers Club’s CMMC Forum will explore how federal and industry leaders are working to achieve CMMC compliance in response to new requirements, updated frameworks and emerging challenges as cybersecurity continues to remain at the forefront of the nation’s priorities.
With the establishment of the Army Futures Command in 2018, the U.S. Army has been working to consistently drive modernization and innovation across the service branch to meet the evolving demands of the modern battlespace. The chief information officers leading defense branches today are increasingly focusing on the transition of legacy infrastructures to cloud-based and centralized architectures to align with the Department of Defense’s JADC2 concept, as well as working to seamlessly integrate emerging technology into multi-domain operations. Join GovCon Wire Events for its 2022 Army CIO forum to hear from leading defense agency chief information officers on the U.S. Army’s plans, priorities and future initiatives to bolster intelligence capabilities and improve national security.
In response to the increasingly rapid democratization of space, the talent shortage in critical intelligence agencies and the constant development of innovative technology in the hands of U.S. adversaries, the intelligence community has increased its efforts to advance sustainable, iterative legacy infrastructure modernization, remain globally competitive and enhance national security across all domains. With initiatives like the Defense Intelligence Agency’s MARS program and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s Augmenting Intelligence using Machines (AIM) program, federal and industry officials are partnering to stay at the forefront of modern innovation. The Potomac Officers Club’s 8th Annual Intel Summit will unite public and private sector leaders to examine the obstacles, opportunities and priorities influencing the intelligence community today and share modernization strategies for the future.
In response to the emergence of advanced technology across all domains, the U.S. Navy continues to implement new initiatives and strategies to keep the critical service branch at the leading-edge of innovation. The Navy’s current priorities are focusing on sustainment and readiness efforts in addition to the continued optimization and redesign of four public naval repair yards under its Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program. Join the Potomac Officers Club’s 2022 Navy Forum to hear defense agency and industry officials discuss the initiatives, solutions and acquisition priorities that will drive the Navy’s efforts to remain efficient and competitive in the next generation of warfare.
The federal government’s 2021 action plan for the Federal Data Strategy outlines priorities such as data and infrastructure maturity, data governance maturity, increased staff data literacy and improving data inventories as the role of data continues to evolve in the public and private sectors. Improving data analysis capabilities as agencies work to process an unprecedented amount of data remains at the forefront of innovation priorities across all domains. GovCon Wire will host its 2022 Data Innovation Forum to unite government and commercial leaders in discussion on leveraging emerging technologies and industry partnerships to enhance organizational data capabilities and drive strong decisions.
Throughout the past year, the U.S. Air Force has spearheaded multiple initiatives to sustain critical defense systems and equipment, integrate advanced technology and modernize outdated infrastructures to stay ahead of the constantly changing multi-domain battlespace and retain the nation’s competitive edge over our adversaries. During the Potomac Officers Club’s Annual Air Force Forum, distinguished public and private sector leaders will gather to examine the strategies, challenges, global issues and opportunities influencing the Air Force today as it continues its mission to fly, fight and win anytime, anywhere.
In October, the U.S. Army released its Army Digital Transformation Strategy, as well as its Unified Network Plan, which outlines a clear path towards modernization as the military branch drives its digitally-enabled, data-driven transformation through adopting advanced technology and implementing innovative, agile methodologies. Military officials have recently made significant strides towards transforming the Army’s technological capabilities, legacy processes and overall culture. Join the Potomac Officers Club for the platform’s 7th Annual Army Forum to hear elite federal and commercial executives detail the Army’s plans, goals and strategic programs designed to align the service branch with elevated standards and better fortify the Army of the future for success in the rapidly evolving battlespace.
With the fiscal year coming to a close, organizations are solidifying their strategies, budgets and priorities as the government contracting industry looks forward towards FY 2023. The Potomac Officers Club’s FY2023 Budget & Priorities Forum will foster insightful discussion regarding what lies on the horizon for vital federal agencies and their industry partners as they usher in a new year of innovation and progress.