ArchIntel, a leading provider of concise actionable open source market and competitive intelligence (CI) reports to business leaders across the federal sector, has released “Competitive Artificial Intelligence: The Crossover Point,” the platform’s latest white paper discussing the influence that artificial intelligence (AI) is having on the future of the CI landscape.
The full white paper is available for a free download on
“The Crossover Point” showcases the insights and highlights from a handful of senior executives in the field of competitive intelligence who acted as expert panelists during ArchIntel Events’ recent Artificial Intelligence in Competitive Intelligence Forum.
ArchIntel’s first event explored the competitive landscape as emerging technology continues to evolve and influence the federal sector while the panelists explained how businesses can maintain a competitive advantage through the integration of emerging technologies into their organizations.
August Jackson, senior director of Market and Competitive Intelligence with Deltek, served as a speaker and moderator for an expert panel featuring Dr. Fred Hoffman of Mercyhurst University, Arik Johnson of Aurora Worldwide Development and Suki Fuller of Competitive Intelligence Fellows.
“We need to find our collective professional voice for us to speak to the developer community to ensure that AI is an enabling tool for competitive intelligence.” said Jackson during ArchIntel’s recent forum. “This event is one of the first steps we need to find that voice.”

Download your free copy of ArchIntel’s latest white paper, “The Crossover Point” to learn the biggest takeaways and best practices of how CI professionals are maintaining a competitive advantage in their field while working to integrate AI and other emerging technologies to push CI into the future.
In case you missed ArchIntel’s Artificial Intelligence in Competitive Intelligence Forum, you can rewatch the full event by registering on ArchIntel Events.