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Video Interview: GovCon Expert Mark Amtower Reveals Most Important Aspect of Your LinkedIn Profile

In today’s digital era, and since the onset of the pandemic, more and more of our personal lives — and our professional brands — are online. Social media can be a huge asset for executives and organizations looking to partner with the federal government, but it can also be a detriment to those who don’t use it correctly.

Mark Amtower, managing partner of Amtower and Company and a GovCon Expert, specializes in helping clients leverage LinkedIn to expand their networks and opportunities.

The most critical step in using LinkedIn to your advantage is “making sure your profile highlights exactly who you are, what you do, what you bring to the market and what niche you serve,” Amtower shared in a video interview with Executive Mosaic. 

“If you’re just doing a resume cut and paste, you aren’t really explaining your role in the universe,” he said. 

With nearly four decades of immersion in the GovCon market, Amtower has also learned important lessons on the behavior of the market and how companies can succeed within it. 

For executives, Amtower advised, “The only thing you really own is your reputation, so act accordingly.” For companies, the biggest lesson is, “Market share is rented, it’s never owned.”

Watch the full video interview with GovCon Expert Mark Amtower and see interviews from our past participants at ExecutiveMosaic.com

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