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Tahera Zamanzada Director Salesforce

Salesforce’s Tahera Zamanzada: Cloud Key to Enhancing Customer Experience, Advancing Digital Transformation

Tahera Zamanzada, director of digital strategy for the global public sector at Salesforce (NYSE: CRM), said the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted government agencies to advance digital transformation and deliver better customer service through the adoption of cloud platforms.

“The digital customer experience in government benefits tremendously from cloud technology because it supports mobile solutions in ways that otherwise would not exist and leads to much higher adoption rates plus happier customers,” Zamanzada wrote. “Cloud can also handle the fluctuating bandwidth of demands so that agencies can scale up or scale down as needed.”

She noted that agencies should work to provide citizens with an omnichannel experience to facilitate communications and interaction with the government and use artificial intelligence platforms to gain deeper understanding of their customers in order to better meet their needs.

“They can use those insights to create human-centered design frameworks as part of their digital transformation plans while they continue to fine-tune their business processes and home in on mission effectiveness,” Zamanzada added.

Zamanzada called on agencies to empower their employees to deliver better customer experience by providing them a role in selecting intuitive platforms and strive to achieve the “digital government of the future.”

“The digital government of the future is secure, seamlessly interconnected and organized around the customer. That means the experience should be tailored to each user who logs into an agency’s site,” she said.

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