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Akamai’s Micah Maryn: Agencies Should Adopt Edge Computing to Improve User Experience, Security

Micah Maryn, senior solutions engineer at Akamai Technologies (Nasdaq: AKAM), said edge computing could help government agencies improve the experience of citizens and employees on any device while enhancing security.

Maryn discussed how edge computing platforms like Akamai Edge improve performance and security by reducing the distance between the data and users and how Akamai helps local and state government agencies advance security and optimization at the edge with regard to websites used for vaccine registration.

He said the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act helps promote the use of mobile applications. He also cited how agencies can improve customer satisfaction by bringing government programs to mobile devices.

“When agencies make government resources available on mobile devices, they enable citizens to service their own needs in an on-demand format, without calling a contact center or visiting a local government office.”

Maryn worte about edge computing’s implications for telework and the role of secure access service edge technology in helping agencies address security risks.

SASE “allows agencies to use device profiling to verify that users are logging on from a government-approved device, blocking hackers from using stolen credentials and flagging any anomalies in behavior,” he wrote.

“A SASE-based ‘verify then trust’ approach also improves performance for remote workers,” he added.

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