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Army Solicits Info on IVAS Next

The U.S. Army has issued a request for information to assess industry capabilities for developing and producing the next-generation Integrated Visual Augmented System, or IVAS.

According to a notice published Wednesday on SAM.gov, Army Contracting Command-Aberdeen Proving Ground set a Feb. 26 deadline for responses to the RFI for IVAS Next.

What Is IVAS?

IVAS provides warfighters a single platform to improve situational awareness, lethality and mobility in order to achieve overmatch against existing and future enemies.

The Army called IVAS a “fight first” system that offers rehearse and train capabilities.

What Information Should Be Included in RFI Responses?

The military branch is asking vendors to provide an executive summary outlining their technical approach for the IVAS Next program, key features and expected performance of their platform and technology readiness level.

Respondents should describe the design and features of their IVAS Next platform, systems engineering, program risk, quality assurance, product support and program management.

Army Contract With Microsoft

In March 2021, Microsoft secured a U.S. Army contract to transition a HoloLens-based augmented reality headset from prototyping to the production and rapid fielding phase. 

Under the potential 10-year, $22 billion contract, Microsoft will produce and deliver over 1,200 IVAS devices to the military branch.

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