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Qualtrics’ Stephanie Thum: Comprehensive CX Mgmt Strategy Requires Operational, Experience Data

Jeff Brody
Stephanie Thum

Stephanie Thum, chief adviser of federal customer experience at Qualtrics, has said government agencies need both experience data and operational data to come up with a comprehensive strategy for managing customer experience.

She wrote that X-data reflects the reactions, perceptions, beliefs and emotions of customers, while O-data “is the number of visitors to a website, the ratio of accepted to rejected service applications, employee retention and attrition, and the time it takes to process claims.”

Thum noted how artificial intelligence, natural language processing and other technological platforms could help agencies gather customer feedback and generate insights from data.

She called on agencies to prioritize security and cited how the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program and other government initiatives could help broaden access to cloud-based platforms and reduce risks.

Agencies should recognize the importance of having internal conversations about clients. “When employees keep having those conversations, the customer mindset becomes more deeply embedded in the agency’s culture,” Thum added.

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