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2024 Wash100 Weekly Top 10

Multiple Records Shattered in This Week’s Wash100 Popular Vote Standings

It’s official: this year’s Wash100 popular vote contest has garnered the most participation of any in years past! We will wait to reveal the total count of votes until the end of the competition in May, but suffice it to say, the number is jaw-dropping. Thanks for your help in making this the most engaged competition in our award’s history.

But the race is not over yet. If you’re just tuning in, we’re talking about a friendly competition for the most beloved recipient of the 2024 Wash100 Award — government contracting’s highest honor. This designation is carefully distributed by Executive Mosaic, the Capital region’s leading GovCon events and media organization, to recognize the 100 execs from private industry and the government who are preeminently shaping the industry.

Once the year’s awardees are announced in January, the public has until April 30 to submit 10 votes for their favorites from the list. If you haven’t, cast yours today! Only one can be named GovCon royalty.

Last week, number one seed Judi Dotson of Booz Allen drew attention for her record-breaking 1,000 vote intake, something that’s never been done before. Now, her number two competitor Susan Wedge of IBM has conquered the same feat, amassing over 1,000 votes — as of this writing, she’s currently at 1,012. Right now, the race looks to be between these two industry juggernauts. But who will prevail?

Just a few slots below Dotson and Wedge is Lt. Gen. Telita Crosland of the Defense Health Agency, breaking through to the top five this week and moving from number six to number five.

Despite the private sector domination at the very top of the list, most of the notable shifts were, like Crosland, government or military representatives. Venice Goodwine of the Department of the Air Force made some nice progress, climbing from number eight to number nine, while Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu rose a spot to number 16.

Right behind Shyu is Gen. Chance Saltzman of the U.S. Space Force, who made a two-spot leap to number 17. Keeping the industry’s fire burning was QinetiQ US CEO Shawn Purvis (recently profiled in GovCon Wire here), ascending from number 24 to 23.

These are exciting times in the Wash100 world, and there is still a month left of voting for you, the reader, to make it even spicier! Cast your 10 votes today to propel your favorite GovCon leaders up the ranking.

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