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US Clears Finnish Request to Buy Raytheon-Built Missiles Through $323M FMS Deal

The State Department has approved a potential $323.3 million foreign military sale of missile systems, manufactured by Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: RTX), and related equipment to the Finnish government.

Finland’s FMS request includes 40 AIM 9X Block II tactical missiles, 48 AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapon systems and a number of tactical guidance units, dummy air training missiles, captive air training missiles, captive flight vehicles and free flight vehicles, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Monday.

The possible transaction also covers test equipment, spare and repair parts, personnel training and technical and logistics support services.

Raytheon’s missiles and defense business segment will serve as the principal contractor on the deal and will not enter into offset agreements with Finland, DSCA noted.

If implemented, the FMS transaction will require the temporary deployment of contractor and government representatives to the foreign country to conduct program and technical assessments.

Finland aims to use the requested defense articles and services to boost its air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons capabilities.

The Block II variant of the AIM-9X Sidewinder missile uses a new weapon datalink to enable lock-on-after-launch capability and beyond visual range engagements.

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