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McAleese Report Breaks Down US Military Budget Request for Fiscal 2023

In a new report, GovCon Expert and three-time Wash100 winner Jim McAleese shares his analysis of individual budget requests by U.S. military branches as part of the $773 billion Department of Defense spending plan for fiscal year 2023.

President Biden submitted a $773 billion DOD budget request to Congress in March, up 5 percent from the enacted FY 2021 levels and 4 percent above the 2022 figures.

The McAleese & Associates founder estimates a 10 percent defense funding growth for the 2022-2023 period and the Department of the Air Force accounts for the lion’s share of the total growth rate.

He notes that DAF – which consists of the U.S. Air Force and Space Force — requested $170 billion for USAF “blue” appropriations, $24.5 billion for USSF and another $40.2 billion for “classified pass-through” accounts.

McAleese reports the Department of the Navy’s FY 2023 request is $231 billion, a 5 percent increase from the current spending levels for both the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

The U.S. Army’s $177.5 billion spending plan for the next fiscal year represents a 2 percent bump over the budget enacted for FY 2022, according to the report.

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