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Biden to Nominate Denis McDonough as VA Secretary

Joe Biden intends to nominate Denis McDonough, Barack Obama’s former chief of staff, to be secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), NPR reported Thursday. The position would require Senate confirmation.

“Being able to manage a complex environment with many issues coming at you is what this job takes. It’s not an easy job, but somebody with Denis’ experience of being in the white house and managing so many issues I think is going to be a real asset,” former VA secretary David Shulkin said.

McDonough served as the deputy national security advisor from October 2010 to January 2013. He also served as the chief of staff of the National Security Staff and as the Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications.

McDonough served as a senior advisor on foreign policy issues on the Presidential Transition Team and on former president Obama’s 2008 campaign. Prior to that, he was a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. McDonough has also worked in Congress, including as foreign policy advisor for Tom Daschle, former U.S. Senator.

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