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Mark Amtower: 2019 LinkedIn Federal Employee Census

Mark Amtower, GovCon Expert

Every year I do a census of Feds on LinkedIn and as of April, 2019, there are about 2.2 million. I can find them by agency, operating division and job title.

I started doing this because there were many who doubted me when I spoke and wrote of the migration of Feds to social platforms starting in 2011. LinkedIn is the best place to find them.

LinkedIn is not simply a repository of warm bodies, but an excellent place to do marketing and “social selling.” If you have sales or BD staff focused on specific agencies who are not actively growing their networks within those agencies, encourage them to do more.

If you are looking for feds with a particular skill or job function, there are ways to find them and to reach out.

LinkedIn is so much more than a rolodex of people looking for jobs, and if your company uses it well, you will grow your business. I have been training contractors to use LinkedIn for nearly ten years, and over that time I have seen and been involved with some tremendous successes leveraging this platform.

To read Amtower’s article in full, please click here.

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