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Boeing Gets $558M Air Force Contract Modification for F-15 Radar Upgrades

F-15Boeing (NYSE: BA) has received a $558.5 million contract modification to support the U.S. Air Force‘s F-15 radar improvement and modernization programs.

The Defense Department said Wednesday work under the modification will run through Jan. 15, 2019 and covers procurement, installation and spares production for 42 combined APG-63 Version 3 and APG-82 Version 1 radars.

The Air Force initially awarded a $281.7 million fixed-price-incentive-firm contract to Boeing in November last year to update the F-15 fleet’s radar system.

DoD said the military branch obligated $397.9 million in fiscal 2015 and 2016 procurement funds at the time of award of the modification.

The AF Life Cycle Management Center is the contracting activity.

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