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David Norquist, former deputy secretary at the Department of Defense, has been appointed president and CEO of the National Defense Industrial Association in a move that takes effect May 1. NDIA said Thursday James Boozer, the trade group’s executive vice president, will assume leadership of the association on an acting basis before Norquist of...

Some executives from defense trade associations are raising concerns over the potential impact of a full-year continuing resolution and the lack of a congressional deal over an omnibus federal spending measure for fiscal year 2022, Defense News reported Friday. Arnold Punaro, chairman of the National Defense Industrial Association and a previous Was...

The National Defense Industry Association has named 16 new members of its board, which includes executives from technology and service providers to the government sector. Arnold Punaro, CEO of The Punaro Group, will continue to lead the association as its chairman and Michael Bayer, president and CEO of Dumbarton Strategies, will remain in his vice...