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Dave McQueeney on IBM’s Cyber Offerings for FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration have announced a partnership with IBM to secure the civilian aviation system against cyber attacks. IBM will build a prototype security system that is capable of scaling to work on the FAA’s networks.

The system will utilize a flexible model that looks retrospectively at system attacks and will correlate data in real time. It will also store the data for later review.

“Instead of detecting the symptoms of the attack, you detect the attack while the attacker is still getting his ducks in a row, ” IBM federal CTO Dave McQueeney said.

“Cyber attacks have become a global pandemic and no system is immune, ” said Todd Ramsey, general manager, U.S. Federal, IBM.  ”Through this collaboration with the FAA, as well as others underway in government and the private sector, we hope to develop comprehensive solutions for protecting the digital and physical infrastructures of critical national networks and enterprise systems.”

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