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FCC’s Competition Org Recommends Telcordia for Phone Number Admin Contract

FCCSealThe Federal Communications Commission‘s wireline competition bureau has issued a draft order for FCC to award a phone number-porting service contract to Ericsson‘s (NASDAQ: ERIC) Telcordia subsidiary, Bloomberg reported Thursday.

Todd Shields writes the bureau recommended Telcordia for work to manage a national telecommunications system designed to help consumers retain phone numbers when they transfer from one carrier to another.

Neustar has served as the number portability database administrator since 1997 and its current agreement with FCC is scheduled to expire on June 30, according to Bloomberg.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday the bureau’s contract award recommendation is subject to approval by the full commission.

According to WSJ reporter Drew Fitzgerald, an industry advisory group launched a review of bid proposals for the FCC contract in 2013 and advised the agency to select Telcordia to perform the work last year.

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