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AF Maj. Gen. Christopher Bogdan Updates Boeing $51B Tanker Progress

Boeing is develop a new refueling tanker for the Air Force under a $51.7 billion program.

In February 2011, the Chicago-based aerospace and defense firm won the program over EADS to build tankers that will replace the Air Force’s 49-year-old KC-135 refueling planes.

Major Gen. Christopher Bogdan, the Air Force’s manager for the program, recently told Reuters that Boeing has passed all entrance criteria but still requires work before moving on to the preliminary design review, 17 mini-reviews and integrated review of the overall airplane program.

The company has built the new 767-based airplane’s essential components such as refueling boom and fuel-carrying wing pods.

By next summer, the company must submit new designs for several secondary items, including a screen between passengers, cargo and crew rest areas, Reuters reported.

Boeing will make these design changes as it prepares for the preliminary design review of the program, according to Reuters.

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