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Mark Andress to Serve as Keynote Speaker at Potomac Officers Club’s 2nd Annual CIO Forum on Wednesday

Chief information officers (CIO) have recently spearheaded several new initiatives in both the public and private sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated CIOs’ need to increase the speed of change in the technology landscape. 

Modernizing cyber, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, information technology (IT), data, and machine learning are the top priorities for CIOs across the GovCon sector to maintain competitive advantage. 

During the Potomac Officers Club’s 2nd Annual CIO Forum, notable federal and industry leaders will meet to discuss how to discuss the newest priorities, initiatives and challenges CIOs will solve in the future and find ways to create a lasting culture of innovation.

Featuring Mark Andress, chief information officer of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), as closing keynote speaker. As CIO, Andress is responsible for all development, governance, management and innovation related to NGA’s IT systems and cybersecurity. In this role, he leads a civilian-contractor-military workforce of around 7000 employees across many NGA mission locations. 

Before serving as NGA’s CIO, Andress was the assistant deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2N6). He assisted in managing requirements, policy and resources for Navy communications, networks, ISR, space, and cyber capabilities in this capacity. 

Andress has held two previous assignments at the Pentagon. In 2009, he served as an Intelligence SES overseeing N2N6’s planning and budgeting for annual investments of over $16 billion. As SES, he allocated $16 billion between over 180 programs and 32,000 personnel. 

Prior to his SES assignment, he was the division director for the Navy’s Command, Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) program. Some significant projects he was responsible for were the W-2 Hawkeye, E-6 Tacamo aircraft and airborne tactical networks.

Andress held numerous leadership positions at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) from 2004 to 2009. He was the Hopper Information Services Center executive director, which had over 600 personnel delivering IT services to the Navy. 

Additionally, he was the deputy director of ONI’s Maritime Intelligence Operations Center with 500 intelligence community personnel providing direct support service to global naval operations. 

Andress’s earliest public service was as a Navy surface warfare officer and U.S. Coast Guard licensed merchant mariner. He spent the first 12 years of his Naval career at sea, either in uniform or in the commercial maritime industry.

To register for the 2nd Annual CIO Forum and view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.

The Forum will also feature David Shive of U.S. General Services and 2021 Wash100 Award recipient Juliane Gallina of the Central Intelligence Agency as keynote speakers. 

Join Potomac Officers Club to learn about how CIOs optimize their organizations with the most advanced IT and AI systems in the world. In today’s fluid and adversarial geo-political atmosphere, it is critical GovCon and industry top executives stay ahead of the IT curve to defeat adversaries. 

To register for the 2nd Annual CIO Forum and view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.  

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