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ACT I Names Corey Gomez to Senior Contract Project Manager Post

Corey Gomez

Corey Gomez, a program manager at Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, has been appointed to serve as a senior contract project manager at ACT I to oversee the company’s multiple Defense Department contracts.

ACT I said in a press release that Gomez will continue to offer more than 16 years worth of experience in business analysis, cost analysis, finance and total acquisition management roles from BearingPoint, Boeing (NYSE: BA) and the Naval Air Systems Command.

He currently oversees two of the company’s active support contracts and start-up activities on additional projects, which include a F-35 final assembly and checkout support contract with Japan as well as a specialized cost services and cost estimating modeling subcontract with the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency and Hanscom Air Force Base.

“(Corey’s) contract management experience and senior financial expertise allow him to excel at overseeing ACT I’s mission-critical defense finance programs,” said Michael Niggel, ACT I CEO.

Gomez holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Penn State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Virginia Tech.

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