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Air Force Adds Three New JVs to Potential $950M Design & Construction Services Contract

construction-blueprints-designThe joint ventures of Sustainable Engineering,  AEWest and Infrastructure Engineering Solutions have won positions on a potential $950 million indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract from the U.S. Air Force for design and construction services.

The Defense Department said Thursday the companies will provide architect-engineering 2013 support to the military branch’s facilities modernization, sustainment and restoration projects.

The contract also covers Title I, Title II and other A-E services required to administer, coordinate and technically support the Air Force’s Civil Engineer’s SRM program areas.

The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency received 83 bids for the contract through a competitive procurement and will obligate $3, 000 from fiscal 2016 operation and maintenance funds at the time of award.

Work will occur at multiple government sites across the U.S. through Sept. 7, 2023.

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