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NSF Launches New Competition for National AI Research Institutes Program

The National Science Foundation has started soliciting proposals for the fourth competition of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes program and expects to make up to five awards in fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

The fourth National AI Research Institutes competition is anticipated to reach up to $100 million in total funding and will focus on three themes divided into two groups, Boston University’s office of research said in a release published Sunday.

The program is led by NSF in partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Simons Foundation, Department of Defense’s office of the undersecretary for research and engineering, Capital One Financial and Intel (Nasdaq: INTC).

Group 1 has a single theme focused on AI for astronomical sciences. NSF plans to make up to two awards under this group in FY 2024. 

Group 2 deals with two themes: AI for discovery in materials research and strengthening AI. NSF intends to make up to one award in the second theme and two or more awards in theme 3.

The solicitation’s requirements include supporting research to advance foundational AI research efforts, conducting use-inspired research and building the next generation of talent.

Higher education institutions and non-profit, non-academic organizations can submit proposals for the program.

For group 1, NSF will accept preliminary proposals through Oct. 31, and full proposals through Feb. 16, 2024.

For group 2, initial proposals are due Jan. 12, 2024, and full offers are due May 17, 2024.

In May, NSF invested $140 million in the development of seven new National AI  Research Institutes.

Trusted AI and Autonomy Forum

Listen to public sector leaders and technology experts as they talk about the opportunities and risks associated with generative AI and related tools at ExecutiveBiz’s Trusted AI and Autonomy Forum on Sept. 12. Register here.

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