Exiger, a software-as-a-service supply chain risk management company, has purchased Supply Dynamics for an undisclosed sum to combine their products to develop an end-to-end supply chain visibility and risk management capability through a single cloud-based enterprise platform.
Exiger said Tuesday it will integrate SDX, PAC and ExplorerRX products of Supply Dynamics with its DDIQ, Insight3PM and Supply Chain Explorer and expects the transaction to expand its presence in the SaaS supply chain management market, which is expected to reach $19.8 billion by 2025.
“The impact of supply chain risk and disruption is ubiquitous across private industries, the U.S. Federal Government, and global public sector organizations,” said Exiger CEO Brandon Daniels.
Daniels added that integrating SDX into Exiger’s SCRM platform will provide customers with a competitive advantage, enabling them to have access to the complete digital thread across their supply chain and analyze the risk impact in one single action.
In early August, Exiger secured a $74.5 million contract from the General Services Administration to provide federal agencies with SCRM and third-party risk management platforms.

Exiger will sponsor the Potomac Officers Club’s Defense Technology Summit: FY2023 Budget and Priorities on Oct. 25. The event will feature William LaPlante, undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment at the Department of Defense and a 2022 Wash100 Award winner, and Sharothi Pikar, component acquisition executive at DOD’s Office of the Chief Digital and AI Officer, as keynote speakers.