The U.S. military is shoring up its cybersecurity and information security defenses as the evolving geopolitical landscape requires service branches to better protect their intellectual property.
Specifically, the Army Futures Command is working to minimize the risk of compromising sensitive information and maintain the United States’ technological advantage through its Tech Protect initiative.
“We’re putting in a tremendous amount of effort at AFC to develop state-of-the art systems, equipment and strategies that will provide us with technological overmatch on future battlefields,” said Ed Mornston, director of intelligence and security for the Army Futures Command.
“Protecting these advances from compromise by those who seek to do us harm is a central part of our planning,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Navy has warned its sailors and military officials of the increasing threat of cyberattacks as the situation in Ukraine intensifies and impacts global politics.
In an unclassified memo, Navy Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler said, “Cyberattacks against businesses and U.S. infrastructure are increasing in frequency and complexity.”
“DoD and federal law enforcement report adversary interest in our remote work infrastructure. This means that you are a target — for your access and your information,” Trussler added.
In response, the Navy is moving away from a compliance mindset when it comes to cybersecurity, and the service is hoping to lead by example for the broader Defense Department.
To learn more about how cybersecurity and information security intersect with the U.S. military’s intelligence strategies, join GovCon Wire Events on April 20 for the “Military Service’s Intelligence: Plans and Priorities” forum.

Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler will deliver a keynote address to the forum and Ed Mornston will participate in an expert panel discussion at the same event. Registrations are open now!