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Bill Rowan, Brian Whitenight: VMware-GDIT Partnership Supports Defense Agencies’ Move to milCloud 2.0 Platform

Bill Rowan of VMware (NYSE: VMW) and Brian Whitenight of General Dynamics’ (NYSE: GD) information technology business said the partnership between VMware and GDIT is making it easier for Department of Defense agencies to move to the Defense Information Systems Agency’s milCloud 2.0 platforms in three ways.

The partnership helps simplify the procurement and acquisition process for securing cloud services, streamline the security and networking measures needed to create a cloud environment and connection and reduce the “cost of refactoring applications and workloads for a specific cloud environment,” Rowan and Whitenight wrote.

Brian Whitenight, Partner Accounts Director for milCloud 2.0, GDIT

They also described milCloud 2.0 and how the cloud adopts the zero trust framework through microsegmentation and VMware’s network virtualization platform NSX.

“MilCloud 2.0 is a fit-for-purpose cloud and the first of its kind to achieve FedRAMP High and DOD’s Impact Level 5 accreditation with a native on-demand VMware integration, which means mission partners can inherit security controls from DISA and milCloud 2.0 to quickly meet DOD’s stringent security standards and take full advantage of cloud technology,” they noted.

Whitenight and Rowan also discussed how the preapproved, pre-competed milCloud 2.0 contract can help agencies speed up their adoption of cloud services. They also cited how the partnership with VMware accelerates cloud migration for defense agencies.

“VMware is a natural fit for milCloud 2.0 because the vast majority of all the defense agencies that have virtualized their on-premises workloads have done so with VMware,” they added.

Rowan and Whitenight discussed how the cloud platform’s virtual machines could help reduce or eliminate renewal costs for mission partners. They also mentioned future milCloud 2.0 capabilities the VMware-GDIT partnership intends to offer.

“The infrastructure as a service that the VMware and GDIT partnership offers today is the first step in the comprehensive solution we plan to provide. Future capabilities and services available with milCloud 2.0 will address networking, containerization and other emerging technologies that meet the needs of DOD agencies,” they wrote.

Rowan is vice president of federal sales at VMware and a three-time Wash100 awardee. Whitenight is partner accounts director for milCloud 2.0 at GDIT.

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