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Potomac Officers Club to Feature Yll Bajraktari as Keynote Speaker at 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit on March 30th

Artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically advanced emerging technology that will significantly change elements of the security, defense, and intelligence apparatus across federal and industry sectors. AI will also play a crucial role on, near and above the future battlefields of our time. 

The risks and advantages of AI are so great that leading defense and commercial industry officials are attempting to develop cutting-edge systems quickly and efficiently. 

During Potomac Officers Club’s 3rd Annual AI Summit, notable federal and industry leaders will meet to discuss how to advance technology at speed and how private-public partnerships are critical to maintaining the technology race’s competitive advantage. 

Featuring Yll Bajraktari, executive director of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), as keynote speaker, the summit will also foster discussions on how collaboration with civilian agencies and international allies is vital to the development and implementation of AI standards that promote interoperability, dependability and trustworthiness. 

To register for the Third Annual AI Summit and view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.

As executive director of NSCAI, Bajraktari leads the effort to research the methods and means needed to advance the development of AI, machine learning and related technologies to address the U.S.’s national security and defense needs. The NSCAI’s findings will be delivered to the executive and legislative branches with recommendations on how to organize the federal government more effectively. 

Before joining NSCAI, Bajraktari gathered extensive experience in the national security and defense apparatus of the U.S. government. He was a distinguished visiting research fellow at the National Defense University’s Institute for National Strategic Studies. While on assignment at the NDU, he planned and executed the first AI seminar for military and civilian leaders. 

Bajraktaria worked as the chief of staff to the national security advisor, Lt. Gen. McMaster, as chief, Bajraktari led and directed action across the National Security Council (NSC). He also worked at the Department of Defense (DOD) and was instrumental in planning and executing the DOD’s Third Offset Strategy, the Department of Defense’s signature strategic effort to strengthen the military’s advantage against future threats.

As the special assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Bajrakatari provided policy input to prepare the chairman to advise the president, secretary of defense and the NSC. Bajraktari began his DOD career as the country director for Afghanistan and India. While country director for India, he successfully developed and executed significant defense policy efforts to improve and deepen U.S. cooperation on military technology with India. 

Under Bajraktari’s leadership, NSCAI accomplished its mission on March 1st, 2021, when it realized its final report and recommendations on AI and its uses related to the Federal Government and U.S. military. The report elucidated the technology and principles behind AI applications. It also made important recommendations to lawmakers on optimizing AI and enhancing national security capabilities with cutting-edge technology. 

The summit will also feature 2021 Wash100 Award recipient Lt. Gen. Michael Groen, director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) and the Honorable Sue Gordon as keynote speakers.

Join Potomac Officers Club to learn about research and development within the AI sector as competition rises across emerging technologies. As new capabilities continue to influence every aspect of the GovCon and industry, top executives must stay ahead of the curve to defeat adversaries. 

To register for the Third Annual AI Summit and view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.

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