The Potomac Officers Club’s 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit will feature Yll Bajraktari, executive director of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, as opening keynote speaker; Sue Gordon, former principal deputy director of national intelligence, as midday keynote speaker; and Lt. Gen Michael Groen, director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, as closing keynote speaker.
This virtual event will be held on March 30 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and provide federal and industry leaders with insights about artificial intelligence and how to advance the said technology to maintain U.S. competitive advantage.

National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Bajraktari is part of the commission formed by Congress in August 2018 to recommend strategies for the federal government to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and other emerging technology with national security or defense applications.
His government career also includes time as chief of staff to the national security adviser, special assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman and a country director at the Department of Defense.

Gordon spent nearly four decades at the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies. She previously worked at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as deputy director and provided advice to the National Security Council (NSC) in her prior role as deputy DNI.
The intelligence community veteran serves as a board member at CACI International, Avantus Federal and Pallas Advisors.

Groen assumed the director position at JAIC in October 2020 and oversees the center’s efforts to transform Department of Defense and joint warfighting processes with the use of AI technology. Previously, he was deputy chief of computer network operations at the National Security Agency, director for intelligence (J2) at the Joint Staff and director of Marine Corps Intelligence.
During POC’s 3rd Annual AI Summit, notable federal and industry leaders will meet to discuss how to advance technology at speed as well as how private-public partnerships are critical to maintain the competitive advantage within the technology race.
Visit the Potomac Officers Club Events page to register for the 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit and view other upcoming events. You can also click the banner below.