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Leidos Books $105M in DOD EHR System Deployment Task Orders

Leidos (NYSE: LDOS) has booked a pair of 18-month task orders worth $104.5M combined to help the Department of Defense deploy the MHS Genesis electronic health record system to military bases across the U.S., FedHealth IT reported Monday.

Both awards are part of the 10-year, $4.3B Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization contract a team comprised of Leidos, Cerner (Nasdaq: CERN) and Accenture (NYSE: ACN) won in July 2015.

The first task order, valued at $66M, covers site deployment assistance within the country’s eastern and southern areas.

For the second task order, valued at 38.5M, Leidos will help Texas-based military treatment facilities implement the new EHR platform.

MHS Genesis is intended to function as a common patient record for DOD, Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Coast Guard and private-sector health care providers.

Leidos said last month the system went live at 20 MTF commands.

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