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FAA Seeks Airport UAS Detection, Mitigation White Papers

The Federal Aviation Adminitration has issued a call for white papers in an effort to identify companies that build, integrate and market systems or technologies designed to detect unmanned aircraft systems and avoid potential aviation risks from UAS operation.

FAA posted Friday a broad agency announcement for the Airport UAS Detection and Mitigation Research Program on the government's SAM website and said the solicitation period will be open through November 2024.

The agency indicated its intent to assess the potential of at least 10 platforms to track UAS in civil airport settings.

According to the notice, FAA also expects to initially install each system or technology offering at New Jersey's Atlantic City International Airport, then add another U.S.-based airport to host the evaluation.

One of the program's goals is collecting data to determine the possible safety and operational impacts of such platforms on the National Airspace System.

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