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CMG Secures $99M Air Force Navigation Tech Prototyping OTA

The U.S. Air Force has awarded Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit corporation Consortium Management Group a $98.6M other transaction agreement to handle rapid development activities for the service branch’s GPS-based navigation system prototype.

CMG will manage the design and development of GPS/Inertial Navigation System prototypes as well as contractor travel, nonrecurring engineering work and technical data package development, the Department of Defense said Friday.

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center received three bids for the OTA through a competitive solicitation process and will obligate $30M in fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation funds at the time of award.

Contract work will take place in Washington, D.C., and Hunstville, Ala., through March 30, 2023.

CMG’s consortia members include representatives from the academe, industry and other sectors that work to address the U.S. government's needs to accelerate technology development and deployment.

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