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Army Engineers Begin Market Research for Enterprise Virtual Viewer Concept

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has asked industry to provide information as it seeks to validate and further develop a concept for an enterprise virtual viewer.

A request for information posted Tuesday says USACE plans to update five strategic applications and part of this modernization effort is the planned transition to a cloud platform and integration with an EVV.

The service has called on companies to demonstrate the feasibility of several technical concepts, including support for multicloud data sourcing, creation of a unified perspective of all data with a complete array of security controls and information context awareness to facilitate the presentation and ease of locating relevant data.

Vendors have been asked to demonstrate the potential speed of implementing an EVV concept and the capability to support unstructured and structured data and use geospatial data processing and presentations.

Submissions should have “a proposed technical approach, gross estimation of the time required to implement the articulated concept, the type and magnitude of resources required to construct and operate the EVV as described or inclusive of the changes proposed by the vendor,” USACE said in the notice.

Responses to the RFI are due Sept. 21.

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