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Atlas Research Supports VHA Under Management Assessment Support Task Order

Atlas Research has secured a task order under the General Services Administration’s Human Capital and Training Solutions contract to help the Veterans Health Administration assess and introduce changes to VHA’s policies, practices and structure in order to improve the delivery of care to military retirees and their families.

“We are leveraging our experience with VHA’s unique environment and culture to ultimately enhance VHA’s hospital administration, patient safety, and leadership engagement,” Robin Portman, president and CEO of Atlas, said in a statement published Wednesday.

“The goal is to support the organization’s efforts to drive transformational change for critical administrative processes,” he added.

Under the Veteran Health Administration Management and Human Resources Assessment and Improvement Support task order, the company will offer recommendations and analysis in various management areas such as organizational structure, policy development, customer service, employee skill levels, internal and external communications, workforce composition and business practices.

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