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Bechtel-Led Consortium to Help Air Force Run Flight Simulation Facilities

Helicopter RadarA joint venture of Bechtel, Sierra Lobo and GP Strategies has been awarded a potential eight-year, $1.5 billion contract to run a complex of flight simulation facilities at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee.

National Aerospace Solutions will help manage test operations, technology development and sustainment activities at the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Complex and other similar facilities in California and Maryland, Bechtel said Wednesday.

The Air Force received four offers for the cost-plus-fixed-fee contract, according to the Defense Department‘s contract notice.

The Bechtel-led consortium will operate AEDC ballistic ranges, wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space chambers, and specialized testing units.

NAS will collaborate with nLogic and Chugach Federal Solutions to complete the work.

The contract has one base year, seven option years and a transition period that will start July 1.

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