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Tom Heiser Moves From RSA to Cloud Leadership Role at EMC; Art Coviello Comments

Tom HeiserTom Heiser, president of  EMC (NYSE: EMC) security division RSA, is returning to EMC to help lead its cloud computing business, Network World reported Monday.

Brandon Butler, citing internal communication, writes the emphasis of Heiser’s work will be to transition EMC products to the infrastructure-as-a-service and software-as-a-service markets.

“The explosion of the cloud in all its forms present opportunities and risks for every product category at EMC, ” Art Coviello, RSA executive chairman, told company staff in an email.

“Success for the broader EMC in the cloud space is something that we all need to see become a EMCreality, and… Tom is the right guy to help make that happen, ” Coviello added.

According to the report, it was Heiser who supervised EMC’s $2.1 billion acquisition of RSA during his tenure with the company, which he joined in 1984.

He held several key roles there before joining RSA in 2008.

At the security firm, Heiser began as an as SVP and rose in ranks to COO in 2010 before becoming president a year later, Network World said.

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