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George Slessman: IO to Separate Cloud, Data Center Businesses as it Seeks ‘Clarity of Purpose’

IOIO will separate by early next year into two standalone entities — the IO colocation and cloud services firm and a new company named BASELAYER, which would provide modular data center hardware and infrastructure management services.

“By separating the two [businesses], we create clarity of purpose to accelerate the growth of both companies, “ George Slessman, IO co-founder and CEO, said Tuesday.

Slessman and co-founder Anthony Wanger will continue in their respective roles as CEO and president of IO, which will still be based in Phoenix.

William Slessman, former chief technology officer and another co-founder of IO, will serve as CEO of BASELAYER, which will establish its headquarters in Chandler, Arizona.

The Slessman brothers and Wanger founded IO in 2007 to deliver colocation services, a patented modular data center infrastructure, a data center operating system and open cloud services.

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