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KPMG Forms Investment Fund for Data and Analytics; Michael Andrew, Mark Toon Comment

KPMGlogoKPMG has formed an investment fund to further develop data and analytics technologies, aiming to help customers of member firms convert big data into assets.

KPMG Capital will work to acquire and partner with organizations specializing in data and analytics capabilities in order help clients address revenue, risk and cost, KPMG said Monday.

Michael Andrew, chairman of KPMG International, said the company aims for the investment fund to commercialize services for helping businesses analyze data and gain value from that information.

Investments will focus on finance, regulation, compliance, workforce productivity and customer and revenue growth.

“Through partnerships with technology and service providers, strategic partners and other third parties, we aim to accelerate innovation in D&A to bring potential solutions to clients – and to the market – faster, ” said Mark Toon, CEO of KPMG Capital and global lead for KPMG’s D&A practice.

KPMG Capital intends to help build technologies for healthcare, financial services, energy and telecommunications customers.

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