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LMI Books $115M NASA Data Analysis, Technical Support Services Contract; Zaki Saleh Quoted

LMI will provide data analysis and technical support services to NASA headquarters, directorates and installations under a potential five-year, $115 million blanket purchase agreement.

The company said Tuesday it will use its RAPTR model-based system engineering simulation and analysis toolkit to engineer and deliver technologies designed to help optimize NASA’s programs, operations and missions.

“LMI is proud to build on the successes of our 44-year NASA partnership. An organization’s capacity to pursue innovation, transform problem-solving, and accelerate progress make the difference between mission success and failure,” remarked Zaki Saleh, senior vice president of health and civilian market at LMI.

Christine Cocrane, SVP of management advisory services at LMI, said the company will build on its expertise and digitally enabled tools to support NASA’s mission needs.

LMI’s operational integrators at NASA will use the company’s Instruction-tuned Generative Resource tool to improve business processes and advance ideas to implementation.

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