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Cognosante Awarded $217M to Continue VA Care Referral Program Support; Philip Dietz Quoted

Cognosante has been awarded a potential five-year, $217 million contract to continue providing support services for a Department of Veterans Affairs system used to manage referral and authorization processes for community care services.

The award, which has one base year plus four option years, is the third VA contract for the Community Care Referrals and Authorization program, the company said Thursday.

Cognosante’s initial contract in 2017 involved implementing an Internet-based management software that would standardize the VA’s existing community care referral procedures. 

The company has since added the Emergency Care Reporting Portal for automated payment processing and the Clinical Viewer for easier access to a patient’s full longitudinal medical record.

The CCRA program has helped the department transition from a manual process to a centralized system, processing an average of 500,000 referrals per month.

“Since the beginning of the program, Cognosante’s team has worked tirelessly to create a referral and authorization management system that makes it easier for Veterans to access healthcare in the community. We are incredibly proud of this program and are delighted to continue our partnership with VA for another five years,” said Philip Dietz, general manager of Cognosante’s military and veteran health business unit.

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