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Executive Spotlight: ManTech VP & Division Manager Nikoia Sanni on Company Goals, Core Values

Nikoia Sanni, vice president and division manager with ManTech, was featured in a recent Executive Spotlight interview published Thursday. She talked about her reasons for joining ManTech and her strategic goals for the year. Sanni also discussed the company’s core values and commitment to driving success in a competitive market.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview with Sanni about what she hopes to accomplish:

“One of my goals is to elevate customer awareness of the value of this integrated approach to leveraging advanced technology solutions. As to growing the business, within my portfolio we have major enterprise-wide contracts that support the government in their cybersecurity efforts.

Looking ahead, ManTech definitely has its eye on the space arena and the connection between cyber and space to space resilience – and space dominance. We’re working as a team in order to merge these capabilities across and provide our customers with the best possible solutions.”

Visit ExecutiveBiz to read the full Executive Spotlight interview with ManTech VP and Division Manager Nikoia Sanni, and don’t miss our other interviews with the most significant executives of consequence to the federal and government contracting sectors.

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