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Sevenson Secures $132M EPA Task Order for Sediment Remediation Support

The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Sevenson Environmental Services a $132.2 million task order to provide sediment remediation support for Cuyahoga Gorge Dam in Ohio.

According to an award notice published Thursday, the task order was awarded under the Great Lakes National Program Office Remediation and Restoration Services, or GLNPO-RRS, contract.


GLNPO-RRS is a multiple-award task order contract that provides construction, construction management and associated engineering services to support contaminated sediment remedial response and oversight efforts.

The award came days after EPA awarded Sevenson and two other contractors positions on the second iteration of the contract, GLNPO-RRS II. 

What Does Sevenson Environmental Services Do?

Founded in 1917, Sevenson provides remediation services to support the cleanup of facilities and sites contaminated by hazardous chemicals.

The company offers remedial construction, environmental dredging, decontamination and demolition and other remediation support services.

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