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Verizon, AT&T, Secure Federal Operations Awarded National Security Emergency Preparedness Priority Services 2 Contracts

The Defense Information Systems Agency has awarded 10-year recompete contracts to Verizon (NYSE: VZ), AT&T (NYSE: T) and Secure Federal Operations to provide priority telecommunications support services for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency during natural disasters and national security emergencies.

The sole-source contracts were awarded under the National Security Emergency Preparedness Priority Services 2 program, according to award notices published on SAM.gov.

DISA on Monday awarded a potential $174.8 million contract to Verizon and a $138.6 million contract to Secure Federal Operations.

In late March, AT&T secured a potential $151.6 million contract from DISA.

The performance period of the three firm-fixed-price contracts will run through March 31, 2034.

In 2021, CISA issued a request for information to solicit industry input on available capabilities for the follow-on priority communications services contract. DISA acted as the contracting authority in the procurement effort.

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