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State Department OKs Saudi Arabia’s $250M Blanket Order Training Support FMS Request

The State Department has cleared Saudi Arabia’s request to procure blanket order training and related program and logistics support services from the U.S. government under a potential $250 million foreign military sales agreement.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Tuesday the proposed FMS deal provides precision targeting, core technical and professional development training, collateral damage reduction, language proficiency courses and ship repair facility maintainer training support for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces.

Under the proposed transaction, the U.S. Navy will also provide professional military education support for Saudi Arabia’s naval forces, which will not require the deployment of any additional U.S. government and contractor personnel to the Middle Eastern country.

According to DSCA, the government of Saudi Arabia expects the sales package to help improve its capability to counter regional malign actors and enhance interoperability with systems run by U.S. forces and other countries in the Gulf region.

The request for additional blanket order training will add to a previously implemented FMS case worth approximately $37 million.

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