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Gina Raimondo

Gina Raimondo on Commerce’s Investments in Leading-Edge Logic Chip Manufacturing for AI Systems

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said artificial intelligence systems are driving the demand for leading-edge logic chips and the Department of Commerce is working to meet that demand through its investments under the CHIPS for America program as part of its implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act.

“We anticipate that our investments in leading-edge logic chip manufacturing will put us on track to produce roughly 20% of the world’s leading-edge logic chips by 2030, up from the zero percent we produce today,” Raimondo said at an event Monday.

She noted that leading-edge memory serves as a critical input for AI technologies.

“Our objective is to onshore cost-competitive leading-edge memory at scale here in the U.S.,” the Commerce secretary remarked.

Raimondo cited several initiatives to advance chip manufacturing to meet national security goals, create thousands of jobs, promote innovation and rebuild the country’s industrial base. These include the semiconductor manufacturing investments worth about $200 billion announced by private companies, the creation of economic development programs in at least nine states and the establishment of the National Semiconductor Technology Center.

Register here to attend the Potomac Officers Club’s 5th Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit on March 21 and hear federal leaders and industry experts discuss the latest developments in the field.

POC - 5th Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit

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