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Award Newcomers Stake Early Lead in Wash100 Popular Vote Rankings

Executive Mosaic‘s 2024 Wash100 is the most esteemed, diverse and, yes, competitive class of winners in the award’s 11 years of existence. Now that we have unveiled who is on the list, the storied popular vote contest has been underway for just over a week. The competition gives you, the reader, the chance to champion the most impressive winners of the Wash100 Award.

2024 Wash100 Vote Now!

We’ll be taking a look at the results of the vote on a weekly basis here in GovCon Wire. Every Friday, tune in as your humble writer examines the week’s shifts, surprising upsets and close-calls, all the way through April 30, when voting closes.

To make an impact on these results, you should visit the Wash100 Award’s website and cast 10 votes for your favorite 2024 recipients. You might see the change you want to occur reflected in next week’s breakdown.

Starting things off strong are IBM’s Susan Wedge, who currently holds the number one spot with an impressive 501 votes. Flanking her are the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Charles Brown Jr. at number two and Oracle Government Defense and Intelligence’s Kim Lynch at three, with 294 and 283 votes, respectively.

Filling out the top five, as of this writing, are Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks at number four and Venice Goodwine, chief information officer for the Department of the Air Force, at number five. This is Wedge, Brown, Lynch and Goodwine’s first year of recognition in the Wash100, making this a refreshingly novel race of newcomers thus far.

Other notable names in the top 10 include perennial favorite Jen Easterly of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and stars of the last couple of years, Lt. Gen. Telita Crosland of the Defense Health Agency and Judi Dotson of Booz Allen Hamilton.

Come back next week to hear who’s made progress, who might fall from grace and about any new entrants into the top 30. In the meantime, get your votes in!

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