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Booz Allen Books $919M DOD Tech R&D Support Task Order

Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE: BAH) will support the research and development of a soldier-as-a-system concept for Department of Defense mission partners under a potential $919 million task order.

The company said Tuesday it aims to identify, mature and transition warfighter systems through the Engineering, Development, Integration and Technology-based Solutions program.

Efforts under the task order will support military organizations such as the U.S. Army Program Executive Office Soldier, the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency and U.S. Special Operations Command.

“The EDITS contract represents a cultural shift intended to foster collaboration early in technology development, as we will help facilitate open communication across service boundaries and posture for the integration of future technologies through system-level architectures,” said Judi Dotson, president of Booz Allen’s global defense sector and a 2023 Wash100 awardee.

Joel Dillon, a senior vice president at Booz Allen’s global defense business, noted the project’s goal is equipping domestic and international warfighters with an integrated combat platform that allows them to operate as a tactical unit.

Contract work could include support for contingency logistics, host nation training and foreign military sales.

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