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Mitre Promotes Marin Halper to Oversee ‘Cross-Cutting Priorities’ as VP

Marin Halper, technical director of Mitre‘s Cross-Cutting Urgent Innovation Cell, has been promoted to a vice president position.

The CUIC co-founder will apply the nonprofit company’s research and data in efforts to help industry partners, government agencies and their foreign allies address mission challenges, Mitre said Monday.

Halper joined Mitre two decades ago as a nanoresearch intern. He eventually became a full-time employee and is credited for developing interrelated government programs, as well as advancing artificial intelligence, sensing, command and control, and data capabilities that were used in services for the Department of Defense and other intelligence agencies.

In March 2020, he became the cross-cutting priority director of non-traditional data employment for competition. One of his accomplishments in this role was using hyperspectral imagery to develop and field new automated processing technology that private and government defense customers were able to use to more accurately detect and pinpoint hard targets.

Keoki Jackson, senior VP and general manager of Mitre’s national security sector, said that Marin “knows how to foster collaboration and deliver innovation for mission impact” and will work to help the organization explore new approaches to support whole-of-nation initiatives.

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