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Q&A With Jim Onusko, Director of Strategic Solutions at LexisNexis Special Services, Highlights Company’s Digital Identity Network

In a recent Executive Spotlight interview, ExecutiveBiz spoke with Jim Onusko, director of strategic solutions at LexisNexis Special Services, to discuss LexisNexis Digital Identity Network and how it could help government agencies detect digital identity risks. He also talked about his strategic goals and focus areas for the coming year as well as how the company is driving digital transformation efforts in the federal landscape.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview with Onusko:

“As far as new markets, a vitally important focus is solving the significant problem in today’s digital society associated with the need for identity validation and delivering new data sources that illuminate real risks presented in many forms, predominantly from counterfeiting and synthetic, or false, identities.

Anytime that a person shows an identification card to exercise a right or receive a benefit, including access to a network, a facility, receiving medical care, purchasing regulated items, undergoing the hiring and background investigations process, or assessing an employee’s risk for access to classified information, plus more, there’s an opportunity to quickly and accurately validate the identity of an individual to neutralize a key vulnerability.”

Visit ExecutiveBiz to read the full Executive Spotlight interview with LexisNexis Special Services’ Jim Onusko, and don’t miss our other interviews with the most significant executives of consequence to the federal and government contracting sectors.

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