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Q&A With AWS Nonprofits Managing Director Allyson Fryhoff Focuses on Modernization Challenges, Cloud Tech Training

ExecutiveBiz featured Allyson Fryhoff, managing director of nonprofits at Amazon Web Services, in a recent Executive Spotlight interview published Friday. She talked about the most significant modernization challenges facing nonprofits and how the company helps customers take advantage of cloud to support their efforts. Fryhoff also shared how AWS is moving to enhance training and learning opportunities in the industry.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview with Fryhoff detailing the company’s cloud technology training initiative:

“We’re committed to expanding the availability of cloud technology training. We want to make sure the barriers are as low as possible for our customers and our partners to access the cloud services they need. That’s why we announced in 2020 that by 2025 AWS will help 29 million people globally grow their technical skills with free cloud computing skills training.

We are providing training opportunities through existing AWS-designed programs, as well as developing new courses to meet a wide variety of schedules and learning goals. The training ranges from self-paced online courses—designed to help individuals update their technical skills—to intensive upskilling programs that can lead to new jobs in the technology industry.”

Visit ExecutiveBiz.com to read the full Executive Spotlight interview with AWS’ Managing Director of Nonprofits Allyson Fryhoff, and don’t miss our other interviews with the most significant executives of consequence to the GovCon sector.

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