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Q&A With Maria Demaree of Lockheed Martin Space Tackles Company Values, Workforce Commitment & Digital Transformation

ExecutiveBiz featured Maria Demaree, vice president and general manager of special programs at Lockheed Martin’s space business, in a recent Executive Spotlight interview published Monday. She talked about how the company is accelerating technology integration and digital transformation to keep up with security challenges. Demaree also discussed Lockheed’s values and initiatives aimed at ensuring long-term success for its workforce.

Hereā€™s an excerpt from the interview with Demaree highlighting the company’s commitment to its values and focus on remaining ethical:

“‘Do what’s right. Respect others. Perform with excellence.’ Those values drive our workforce and the work for our customers. In terms of succeeding in a competitive market, these values will always be our north stars. No matter what happens in the market, weā€™ve seen that staying true to these values is always the right thing to do. Not just for us, but for our customers.

I think itā€™s important that whenever we need to make difficult decisions, Lockheed Martin makes the right choice and does the right thing. Sometimes that does mean walking away from a business opportunity.”

Visit ExecutiveBiz.com to read the full Executive Spotlight interview with Lockheed Martin Space’s Maria Demaree, and donā€™t miss our other interviews with the most significant executives of consequence to the GovCon sector.

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