American Systems will provide independent verification and validation support services for the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection under a potential five-year, $118 million task order.
The single-award task order awarded through the General Services Administration’s Alliant 2 contract calls for the company to verify and validate whether all systems and products purchased for border security and control meet CBP’s requirements, the company said Monday.
“As the guardians of our Nation’s borders, CBP’s mission is a national priority, and our IV&V capabilities are well-aligned to help ensure their critical mission needs are met,” said Peter Smith, president and CEO of American Systems and a three-time Wash100 Award recipient.
The company will also provide systems engineering support and help CBP’s office of acquisition implement and maintain an IV&V program in accordance with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1012-2016.
Work will primarily occur in Washington, D.C., and will include delivery of services to other border locations.

Join the Potomac Officers Club’s 2022 Border Protection Innovations and Technology Forum on March 15 to hear CBP officials discuss how they adopt new technologies to support border security initiatives. Visit the POC Events page to sign up for the upcoming forum and view POC’s full calendar.